Tag Universitat Politècnica de València

New position at the Universitat Politècnica de València

Today I start working in my new position as Vice-Rector for Sustainable Development of the Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València. I assume this responsibility with great enthusiasm and desire to make a better UPV.Find my office here.

Concurso ‘Habitar la Post·pandemia’

Hoy tiene lugar la entrega de premios del concurso para estudiantes de arquitectura ‘Habitar la Postpandemia’. Esta iniciativa se presenta como una oportunidad para proponer soluciones arquitectónicas innovadoras que preparen el parque residencial para una resiliencia habitacional y social. Se…

DS3_Autumn Semester 2020: Closing activity

Today we closed the semester (at Design Studio 3) with a visit to several university buildings by architect Fernando Moreno Barberá. Although following all security measures, we were able to appreciate and enjoy the exteriors and interiors of these amazing…


@Teaching_Architecture_Studio is my new Instagram account, focused on disseminating the learning of architectural design. Here I will collect everything that makes up such a specific learning environment as the ‘studio‘ (‘taller‘ in Spanish, ‘atelier‘ in French). Learning activities can be…

Tesis doctoral sobre el ESPAI VERD (M. Calleja)

Hoy ha sido un gran día para Manuel Calleja Molina, quien ha defendido su tesis ‘Arquitectura modular en el espacio: ESPAI VERD, un hábitat sostenible‘. Así se defienden en estos tiempos las tesis doctorales (a través de pantallas), pero la…

UPV + TAMU teaching collaboration

A new and exciting online collaboration for the next Autumn semester: Design Studio 3 in School of Architecture Universitat Politècnica de València is teaming up with another one in College of Architecture, Texas A&M University. We have planned a calendar…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020

My university celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science showing ‘how 20 brilliant teachers awaken vocations’. I am deeply grateful to the Universitat Politècnica de València UPV for being part of this initiative and absolutely pleased to share…