Morfología urbana y paisaje en los conjuntos de vivienda social en Valencia: estrategias proyectuales para la recomposición del espacio público

IV Congreso ISUF-H: Metrópolis en recomposición: prospectivas proyectuales en el Siglo XXI: Forma urbis y territorios metropolitanos. ISBN 978-84-9880-841-4. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain. pp. 1-15. (authors: Javier Pérez Igualada, Débora Domingo Calabuig, Francisco Galiana Galán, María Vallés Planells)

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This communication analyzes the intervention strategies that can be used for the recomposition of the public space of the social housing estates in the city of Valencia, built between 1952 and 1978. Using a research by design methodology, we present some experimental proposals to approach the urban regeneration of the areas located in what is usually called the “first periphery”, simultaneously contemplating the morpho-typological recomposition, which requires a redefinition of the land forms and the built forms, and the recomposition of the urban landscape, which requires a design of the public space from sustainability parameters regarding its social use, mobility and the functional and visual integration of natural processes in the city.