Category News

CA2RE Valencia Conference: Experimentation

From 11 to 13 April, the School of Architecture of the Universitat Politècnica de València hosted the 15th CA2RE conference under the topic EXPERIMENTATION. The CA²RE Community (Conferences for Artistic and Architectural Research) is an open network that aims to…

[NEB goes South] València, making beauty possible

On the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU, I participated in the Conference ‘Cultural and creative industries, cities and citizens fostering sustainable development and well-being’ within a roundtable about cities that integrate the New European Bauhaus…

Jury of the 3rd Lilly Reich Grant

Fundació Mies van der Rohe has announced that a research project focused on Anna Bofill Levi has been awarded the third Lilly Reich Grant for Equality in Architecture. The project, titled “La arquitectura como contracanto: 1977-1996”, was initiated by architects Ma Elia Gutiérrez Mozo, José Parra…

Jurado Concurso CRU V (2022)

El Concurso Cerámico de Regeneración Urbana (CRU) es un concurso público de ideas con intervención de jurado cuyo objetivo es potenciar la regeneración urbana de espacios degradados de municipios de la provincia de Castellón mediante el empleo de productos cerámicos.…

Première “[On set with] Lilly Reich” en el Festival BARQ

«[On set with] Lilly Reich», es el documental resultante de la 2ª Beca Lilly Reich para la Igualdad en la Arquitectura. Un cortometraje que combina fuentes documentales originales con material visual de nueva creación, y que refleja la limitación del reconocimiento…

New position at the Universitat Politècnica de València

Today I start working in my new position as Vice-Rector for Sustainable Development of the Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València. I assume this responsibility with great enthusiasm and desire to make a better UPV.Find my office here.

Concurso ‘Habitar la Post·pandemia’

Hoy tiene lugar la entrega de premios del concurso para estudiantes de arquitectura ‘Habitar la Postpandemia’. Esta iniciativa se presenta como una oportunidad para proponer soluciones arquitectónicas innovadoras que preparen el parque residencial para una resiliencia habitacional y social. Se…

Erótica techno en la arquitectura valenciana

I am absolutely pleased with this ‘non-academic’ contribution entitled ‘LAS EMOCIONES DEL ORDEN: MÚSICA TECHNO Y ARQUITECTURA MODERNA EN VALÈNCIA’I am an architect, also a techno music fan, and I am passionate about both creative expressions.Ricardo Ruíz challenged me to…

EB#31_CfP ‘The architecture of the UNIVERSITIES’

SPECIAL ISSUE [En Blanco. Revista de Arquitectura] #31 (OCTOBER 2021)Editor: Débora Domingo-Calabuig Call for Papers –>  SCHEDULE 2021.02.15_Publication of the call for papers  2021.05.15_Deadline for the reception of articles 2021.10_Publication [En Blanco. Revista de Arquitectura] #31

Lilly Reich event at the Mies van der Rohe Society

Laura Lizondo and I have been invited to the Lilly Reich event that will take place this evening (5:30 pm GMT-6) at the Mies van der Rohe Society, and organized in partnership with Illinois Tech’s College of Architecture. ‘Interiors: Lilly…

DS3_Autumn Semester 2020: Closing activity

Today we closed the semester (at Design Studio 3) with a visit to several university buildings by architect Fernando Moreno Barberá. Although following all security measures, we were able to appreciate and enjoy the exteriors and interiors of these amazing…

Entrevista a les premiades amb la beca Lilly Reich

Entrevista a À Punt Radio: 15.12.2020 | Les notícies de la nit Com es dissenyen els espais on vivim? Són inclusius? Fomenten la igualtat? I què significa, això de “fomentar la igualtat”; es pot fer des de la construcció de…

Ponencia en WINAREQ 2020 [FAU – UTE Quito]

[NUEVOS LUGARES EN UN MISMO ESPACIO] hacia una neutralización del espacio doméstico Ponencia celebrada en el evento WINAREQ 2020 organizado por la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de la UTE Quito (Ecuador). Abstract: Las consecuencias derivadas del confinamiento domiciliario…

Workshop at the EAAE/ARCC conference

‘Developing an Architectural Research Agenda’ Workshop (November 12, 2020 – 9.00-11.30 CET) Attending the EAAE ARCC 2020 International Conference, 11-14 November in the Architecture School of Valencia or online? Please join us if you are an early-stage researcher! This workshop…

Lilly Reich Grant announcement

The 2nd Lilly Reich Grant for Equality in Architecture has been awarded to the realization of the documentary “[On Set with] Lilly Reich” by Spanish architects Laura Lizondo Sevilla, Débora Domingo Calabuig and Avelina Prat García.


@Teaching_Architecture_Studio is my new Instagram account, focused on disseminating the learning of architectural design. Here I will collect everything that makes up such a specific learning environment as the ‘studio‘ (‘taller‘ in Spanish, ‘atelier‘ in French). Learning activities can be…

Tesis doctoral sobre el ESPAI VERD (M. Calleja)

Hoy ha sido un gran día para Manuel Calleja Molina, quien ha defendido su tesis ‘Arquitectura modular en el espacio: ESPAI VERD, un hábitat sostenible‘. Así se defienden en estos tiempos las tesis doctorales (a través de pantallas), pero la…

UPV + TAMU teaching collaboration

A new and exciting online collaboration for the next Autumn semester: Design Studio 3 in School of Architecture Universitat Politècnica de València is teaming up with another one in College of Architecture, Texas A&M University. We have planned a calendar…

Instagram Live Event: How to research? @Arch.Futures

Dr. Derya Güleç Özer invited me to talk about architectural research and I am pleased to be part of these “How to?” live event series. Today at 21:00 pm (gmt+3), we will have a live video on “How to research?” theme,…

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020

My university celebrates International Day of Women and Girls in Science showing ‘how 20 brilliant teachers awaken vocations’. I am deeply grateful to the Universitat Politècnica de València UPV for being part of this initiative and absolutely pleased to share…